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I’m giving you a choice today. The choice between the red pill and the blue pill. And it has everything to do with the amount of energy you have available in your life. Are you ready to make a choice? Let’s begin.
We always have choices in life. Even if we quite often don’t want to see them. We might even say we don’t have a choice because we don’t classify the other option as desirable or interesting enough. But when it comes down to it, we always have a choice.
And I want to give you a choice today when it comes to your energy levels. That’s why I called this episode the red pill or blue pill of energy. If you have no idea what I am talking about, the term red pill, blue pill originates from the 1999 film The Matrix which is one of my favourite movies. The red pill and blue pill represent a choice between the willingness to learn a potentially unsettling or life-changing truth by taking the red pill or remaining in the contented experience of ordinary reality with the blue pill.
And I give you today the choice between the red pill representing you learning ways to unblock your abundant energy flow or the blue pill which represents the ongoing “fixing” of your energy levels through products like coffee, energy drinks or supplements.
In the end, it’s your choice. You can decide to finally experience more energy than you have for a long time or keep hustling to keep your energy levels at the mediocre level that they currently are at.
And what is so wrong with the blue pill and staying where you are? Nothing. That’s why I say that you truthfully have a choice. And both options are ok and valid. But I want you to understand what your options are.
If you decide to take the blue pill then you keep believing that you need products to push your energy levels up. That could be through actual pills in form or supplements. Or stimulating drinks or food that include caffeine or similar ingredients. And where you are at, I can understand that you think that you need them.
You are constantly in the balancing act of scraping everything you can get out of the level of energy currently available to you. And you believe that this is normal. It’s normal to have low energy levels that need to be supported by external products. There are a lot of industries and organisations out there that benefit highly from you keeping this belief alive.
And don’t get me wrong. This is not just you. This is most of us and it has been me for the longest time. I existed on 4-5 cups of coffee a day just a year ago. And for years, I have tried out so many products to support me having more energy. But obviously, none of them ever worked long-term.
Because they can’t, they can only eliminate the symptom for a short period of time but nothing about this will ever change your actual levels of energy until you learn how your energy truly works and how you can raise your energy levels naturally.
Like I said before, the blue pill is an option if you want to keep struggling to keep your already lower levels of energy the same. There is nothing wrong with that – especially if you don’t know any different. But then of course you have me for that – to give you a choice and open your eyes to another potential of energy in your life.
So what is the other option? What would it look like to take the red pill? I mentioned at the beginning what the red pill means: your willingness to learn a potentially unsettling or life-changing truth. Your willingness to say yes to the red pill and to be open to a new truth.
And the truth is that you have access to an abundant level of energy from when you are born. Then we go through life and we collect memories, experiences and traumata with which we block this limitless flow of energy. We literally limit the energy available to us.
But not by losing the energy through age, working hard or outside influences. Any person with a low amount of energy can decide to do the inner work of letting go of an emotionally heavy memory and immediately have a higher level of energy in their life. By removing the blockages in your energy system, the energy inside of you can flow free again.
It’s like with our cardiovascular system and our blood flow. Over time we can build up plaque in your arteries and veins which stops the blood from flowing freely causing in the worst case heart problems or illnesses. Only by removing the plaque through either surgery or better a healthier diet and lifestyle will the blood be able to flow free again.
The same as we have a physical body with arteries and veins, we all have an energy body with highways of energy flowing intelligently through us and around us. And every little or bigger bump on our life journey leaves a roadblock on the energy highway.
The energy flow is hindered. It has to find new ways to flow differently which takes away from the limitless energy that we naturally all have. It cannot go as freely as it would like to and the collection of our roadblocks limits the energy we have available.
Now let’s get back briefly to the blue pill. Imagine you have your current energy system with all of these blockages and you try to fix your energy levels with supplements, energy drinks or coffee. Where does this lead you over time?
You never will be able to come back to a higher level of energy than you might have had earlier in your life – but it’s possible. Instead, over time the blockages in your energy system just grow or multiply and the energy flow gets weaker and weaker. And we think that this is the normal way of life – but it’s not.
By doing the inner work of removing these energy blockages, releasing stuck emotions and limiting programming from your subconscious mind, will you be able to increase your energy levels to new heights and don’t even need the coffee or pills anymore? Our body is the best pharmacy that you can have. And inner work or energy work is a huge part of it that we don’t talk enough about.
That’s why I created Energy Academy where I teach you all the knowledge, methods and techniques to unblock your energy system and naturally have higher energy levels again. Going through the program, you will learn how to let go of those roadblocks that your inner system wants you to let go of for a long time. You just did not know how to listen and decipher these messages. Now you can learn how to!
Imagine where you would be in a year or what the next decades of your life look like if you learned once and for all how to change the energy available to you from the inside out. I cannot imagine a life without this information and the tools to self-regulate my systems and energy.
Do I still have days or times when I am low in energy? Of course, but it is just hours or days until I become aware and apply the tools and techniques and unblock what wants to be unblocked. Only to then experience even more energy than before.
This is a never-ending journey and a life skill that you never want to miss once you experience the first increase in your energy levels – and it doesn’t go away after a few hours. It becomes your new normal and you never want to miss it ever again. That is what keeps you going and taking any opportunity your systems give you to let go of the blockages we created in the first half of our lives.
Ask yourself now the all-important question: Red pill or blue pill? Are you ready to wake up to a new truth and a new life or do you want to stay asleep? If you are ready for the red pill, you know where to find me. Energy Academy is ready to welcome you to the rest of your life.
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So whether you choose to donate, leave a rating and review, or both, know that you’re an integral part of my vision. You are helping everyone who struggles with burnout or high-stress levels to experience how awesome their life can be. So, thank you for your support!
Feel fully ENERGIZED at the end of your day without working harder and longer. Make the right changes to raise your energy levels to new heights.
Learn the process of change and apply it to anything in your life. Never struggle again to overcome habits and behaviours that suck the energy out of your life!
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