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This week, I stumbled upon a groundbreaking perspective that could be the key to unlocking a new level of emotional freedom. It’s an insight from David R. Hawkins’ book “Letting Go” that has profoundly impacted my journey, and I’m eager to share it with you.
Have you ever wondered why, despite all your efforts to release negative emotions, you still don’t feel as uplifted as you should? Today, we’ll explore how we might be unconsciously resisting positive emotions and how this awareness can bring about a monumental shift in your personal growth. Let’s dive in!
I discovered a new perspective last week which was hugely eye-opening to me. I have never looked at it like that. And every time I find a new way of looking at things that help me on my change journey, you know me, I have to share it with you.
I am currently reading the book “Letting Go” by David R. Hawkins and he describes one part of the letting go process that I never consciously thought about. It’s another layer where we might self-sabotage and don’t allow ourselves to feel better. Essentially, it’s just another way of looking at the same process that I have used and taught for a while now.
But I know of the power of saying the same thing in many different ways so it lands with the biggest impact on you. We all know that we have to hear things several times before it clicks or we just have to hear it in other words and it finally all makes sense to us. So, I am excited to tell you all about it and share as well how I applied it straight away to give you an example.
So for whom will this new perspective be of help? What might you struggle with that this new way of looking at things helps you to move forward?
In general, it will help anyone who is struggling to feel more of the so-called positive emotions in their lives. If you wish to feel more love, bliss, peace, joy and contentment in your life but don’t seem to be able to get there, then you want to listen to this episode.
More specifically, this new perspective will be helpful for anyone who is already practising the technique of letting go and releasing stuck emotions, trauma, and memories but you don’t seem to be able to start feeling significantly better through all this releasing. You are wondering why nothing much is happening given the efforts you are already putting in. If that is you, then this could be the missing puzzle piece for you to make a huge shift in your progress.
It can be very disheartening to have said yes to a change in yourself, to doing the inner work, to be in the river of change on a daily basis and not seeing the benefits yet. You keep releasing, changing and letting go and still you are not experiencing the level of relief you desire. Obviously, the danger could be that you give up on yourself and believe that you are not doing it right or that it’s just not working. That would be the worst that could happen and if that is you, on the brink of throwing in the towel, then I invite you to stay with me here and try out this new perspective. It might just be the answer that you were looking for.
I personally was not even looking for this answer, I did not have the question, well, minimum not consciously. But given how much it has affected me reading and discovering this knowledge, it’s obvious that it’s important in my own progress and for my mission here in this life.
As I already mentioned, I was able to apply it immediately and realise where I was still holding myself back in my release process by just not being aware of this. Given how easy it was for me to already come across a few examples, I know this information was significant for me. Even if I was not looking for it. Something inside of me was looking for it and I am grateful for having found it. So let’s finally talk about what this new perspective is all about.
If you have followed me for a while you know how I teach the process of letting go and releasing especially when it comes to stuck emotions that keep being triggered and dampen the joy in our lives. And this new insight is inviting us not only to letting go of the negative emotions BUT letting go as well of resisting the positive emotions.
There is a high possibility that you are resisting to experience positive emotions in your life. Or you resist having something positive happen in your life. You think that you are open to receiving the feelings of joy, peace, contentment, happiness and love – but actually, you are resisting it and might not even be aware of it. Let me give you a few examples.
Let’s say you feel resentment toward a person in your life. You know that this resentment is only hurting yourself so you are doing the inner work to release the resentment. This could be resentment towards the person, towards what they did or in general the emotion of resentment that has only been retriggered through this person but has been stuck inside of you for a long time.
You have done all the releasing you could do and are surprised that you are not truly feeling better. You kind of feel stuck even though when you check back with the resentment, you know that you have done enough inner work to release it. So why do you not feel better?
Well, what would be the feeling that you feel after releasing resentment towards a person? One of the feelings would be forgiveness or freedom. Now you can check in with yourself: Are you resisting feeling forgiveness in your life? Are you not allowing yourself to feel free?
At this point in your process of letting go, this should not have anything to do with the person that you previously resented but all to do with you and if you allow yourself in general to feel forgiveness or freedom. It could be that there is another level that you need to let go of and that is the resistance of feeling forgiveness or freedom.
Let’s look at another example. Something tragic happened to you and you grieve. You might grieve about a person you lost, a relationship or a situation that you regret losing. You are grieving for a while and then you become aware and realise that it’s time to move on and release the grief out of your life.
You complete the inner work to release grief for the person, the relationship or the situation you lost and suddenly you know it’s over. You have done the work to release the emotion of grief and you don’t feel like it’s calling your name anymore. So why don’t you feel better? What are you missing to make yourself feel more elevated emotions now? Where is the other side of the coin?
Let’s look at what you would feel if you let go of grief in your life. If you look objectively at the absence of grief then you could expect to feel moments of joy or happiness. Grief is usually what does not allow us to feel any kind of joy or happiness in our lives. But when the grief has been released why would we not feel suddenly moments of joy or happiness again?
If that is the case and you feel stuck, ask yourself if you are resisting feeling joy. Are you actually allowing yourself to be happy or is there something else inside of you that is saying No to happiness?
Don’t get me wrong. This does not need to be the case when you release resentment or grief from your life. The usual experience would be that you feel elevated emotions like forgiveness, freedom, joy and happiness again in your life. And that has been my experience and of my students on countless occasions.
BUT then there are the moments in life where it just doesn’t work like that. It doesn’t follow the linear path and you wonder why you don’t end up automatically at the elevated emotion after releasing the stuck emotion. And that’s where this perspective can be the last puzzle piece for you. The last little bit of releasing that you still need to do. The releasing of your resistance towards positive emotions.
I promised I share an example from my life since I learned about this perspective. It was just a couple of days ago when I was driving home from work and I listened to the last 30 minutes of an audiobook from Michael Singer. And the last sentence he said was: “You who do the work of liberating yourself are to be deeply respected. With great love and respect, Michael A. Singer.”
And bam. As soon as I heard this sentence, tears welled up in my eyes and my throat tightened. It was so deeply touching that he said that he respected me. And I knew something was up, that I was triggered. It had to do with the word respect.
Given that I learned this new perspective just a few days earlier, I checked in with myself:
Do I respect myself? And the immediate answer was: No.
Do I allow myself to feel respected? Nope, not really.
Is there something inside of me that resists feeling respect for myself? Yes. There you have it.
I don’t respect myself. I don’t feel deserving of RESPECT- not really from others and certainly not from myself. When I felt the resistance of respect for myself my mind threw all of these reasons aka beliefs at me for why I cannot feel respect for myself.
Wow, mind-blown. So respecting yourself is a positive experience that most people probably desire including myself. But I have lots of beliefs inside of me that resist the experience. So that’s for me to let go of now. The resistance and the beliefs inside of my mind – conscious or unconscious – that don’t allow me to respect myself.
As much as it hurts to realize, in the end, it’s a gift. An awareness of something that I would never have given another thought, if I had not had this new perspective of looking at where in my life I resist feeling positive emotions or having positive experiences in my life.
So use it! Take this new knowledge into your life and look where you might be holding yourself back from feeling love, peace, harmony, freedom, bliss, health, abundance or joy. What experiences do you not allow yourself to have but you actually desire?
Potentially you have done all the work you needed to free yourself from emotions that were holding you back from the elevated emotions. But now you know that there could be another layer standing in your way. The layer of resisting the feeling or experience that you actually desire. How about that? Isn’t it amazing to discover this?
I wish you all the best in applying this to your change journey on your path to self-actualization. May you come across all the resistance that is holding you back from experiencing your dream life.
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