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Hello, and welcome back to the Raise Your Energy Podcast! I’m your host, Linda Lange, and today we are diving deep into a topic that I’ve spoken about many times before. But as life has a way of reminding us, sometimes we need to revisit what’s truly at the core of real transformation. Today, we are talking about changing our thoughts and beliefs.
Let’s start with this: Have you ever felt like no matter how hard you try to change something in your life, nothing really sticks? Maybe you’ve tried changing your habits, taking new actions, or even shifting how you feel about a situation—only to find yourself back in the same frustrating cycle weeks or months later. It feels like you’re trapped in a loop, where no matter what you do, the same patterns, the same struggles, and the same disappointments keep showing up.
I know how disheartening this can be. You start off with hope, believing that this time will be different. You take action, thinking that finally, things will shift. But then, reality creeps back in. You find yourself reacting in the same old ways, dealing with the same old problems, and feeling the same old emotions that you were trying so hard to escape. It’s exhausting, isn’t it?
You might even be feeling angry—angry at life, at yourself, at whatever unseen force seems to be holding you back. Or maybe you’re just hopeless, wondering if true change is even possible for you.
If this resonates with you, I want you to know that you are not alone. This is a struggle so many of us face. Even for myself, things happen and I go: “Wow, I did not see that one coming. I must have not done a deep enough job on changing that.” And let’s be honest, you cannot change everything. Your focus cannot be everywhere at once.
But the good news? There is an answer. There is a reason why change probably hasn’t lasted for you before. It’s not because you aren’t trying hard enough. It’s not because you lack discipline or motivation. It’s because you’ve been looking for change in the wrong place.
In this episode, I am going to share something with you that might finally break that cycle. We are going to go deeper—beyond actions, beyond emotions, and straight into the source of all lasting transformation: your thoughts and beliefs. Once you understand this, you’ll see why the things you’ve tried before haven’t worked and how you can finally create real, lasting change in your life.
So, if you’re ready to break the curse of frustration and step into the life you truly want, stay with me.
Many people believe that to change their lives, they need to change their actions first. They think if they work harder, adopt better habits, or push themselves more, they will see lasting results. But science shows us that real, lasting transformation doesn’t begin with actions—it begins with thoughts.
Our subconscious mind controls about 95% of our thoughts, behaviors, and decision-making. That means only 5% of our lives are influenced by our conscious, intentional thoughts. The subconscious is like a powerful supercomputer running on programming that was installed throughout our lives—mostly in childhood. This programming consists of deeply rooted beliefs, automatic thought patterns, and emotional responses that dictate how we experience the world.
If we try to change our lives only through action, we are relying on that small 5% of conscious effort. But our subconscious beliefs, which make up the other 95%, will eventually override those efforts. This is why we often find ourselves stuck in repeating cycles—because we haven’t addressed the real source of our behaviors: our subconscious programming.
Neuroscience supports this idea. Research shows that our thoughts create neural pathways in the brain. The more we think a certain way, the stronger these pathways become. This is why beliefs—thoughts we’ve had over and over again—are so powerful. They become deeply ingrained mental highways that shape our perception, emotions, and actions. If we want to create lasting change, we have to rewire these pathways and install new, empowering beliefs.
Changing your thoughts is not just about positive thinking or affirmations—it’s about reprogramming your subconscious mind. There are many ways to do this, including meditation, visualization, subliminals, and more. By consistently exposing yourself to new, positive thoughts and beliefs, you can begin to shift the way your mind is wired, allowing for true transformation to take place.
So, before you take another external action in hopes of changing your reality, ask yourself: What are the thoughts and beliefs driving my current experience? If you don’t change those, no amount of action will create the lasting transformation you seek.
Let’s take the example of wanting a promotion or a better job. You may believe that working harder, putting in extra hours, or taking on more responsibilities will make others see that you should be promoted. So you take action—you push yourself, improve your skills, and even try to maintain a positive mindset. But despite all your efforts, the promotion doesn’t happen, and you find yourself stuck in the same unfulfilling job.
Why? Because deep down, you might hold limiting beliefs about your worth, your capabilities, or even success itself. If your subconscious mind carries thoughts like “I’m not good enough,” “I don’t deserve to earn more,” or “Success is only for others,” then no matter how much action you take, these beliefs will undermine your progress. Your subconscious will sabotage opportunities, cause self-doubt, or even make you unknowingly behave in ways that keep you from moving forward.
This is why addressing your thoughts is crucial. Until you shift your core beliefs to align with your desires—such as believing “I am capable and deserving of success”—your actions alone won’t create lasting change. The key is to reprogram your subconscious mind so that it supports your goals rather than working against them.
When I want to change my thoughts, I turn to a few key tools that help me reprogram my subconscious mind. One of my favorites is the Change Meditation, which you can find on my YouTube channel. This guided meditation is designed to help you break free from old thought patterns and install new, empowering beliefs.
I also use subliminals that I create for different situations. These subliminals work by feeding positive affirmations directly into the subconscious mind, bypassing resistance and helping to instill new, supportive beliefs. Listening to them consistently has been a game-changer in my own transformation. You can find a great selection on my YouTube Channel, to try it out for yourself.
And for those who want a deeper, more structured approach, I teach the Process of Change inside Energy Academy. This program provides in-depth support and guidance to help you shift your subconscious programming and make lasting changes in any area of your life.
This past week, I was faced with a situation that really knocked me down. As I reflected on it, I realized that it happened due to limiting beliefs that my family and I had not yet addressed. I knew that if I wanted to prevent similar situations in the future, I needed to identify these beliefs and start rewriting them immediately.
So, I began the process of finding the specific thoughts linked to this situation and consciously replacing them with new, empowering beliefs. I also made it a priority to become more aware of my thoughts throughout the day. What surprised me was realizing just how many negative or useless thoughts had crept back into my mind without me even noticing.
To counter this, I started using a simple but powerful mantra to disrupt negative thought patterns instantly. The words that came to me upon waking were “Love and God.” I decided to repeat them whenever I noticed my thoughts drifting into negativity. While at work, this was more challenging, but during moments like driving, working out, or making myself a coffee, I kept checking in with my thoughts. Every time I caught myself thinking something unhelpful, I would immediately replace it by repeating my mantra.
This practice reinforced something I had long known but needed to remember—true transformation requires constant awareness. It’s not enough to read affirmations for five minutes a day. You must become your own observer, watching your thoughts consistently and consciously choosing better ones.
I won’t lie—this work is hard. It requires patience, dedication, and constant self-awareness. But what’s the alternative? Staying stuck, accepting whatever life throws at you, and never truly breaking free? That’s a choice you can make. Or you can decide that now is the time to finally take control and rewrite your subconscious programming.
And you don’t have to do it alone. Inside Energy Academy, you’ll find a community of like-minded people who are going through the same transformation. Together, we support and uplift each other on this journey of change.
You have the power to shift your reality. You can break free from old patterns, create the life you desire, and step into the best version of yourself. It all starts with your thoughts. So go out there, be mindful, stay committed, and remember—you’ve got this.
Thank you for joining me today on the Raise Your Energy Podcast. Until next time, take care and keep raising your energy.
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Feel fully ENERGIZED at the end of your day without working harder and longer. Make the right changes to raise your energy levels to new heights.
Learn the process of change and apply it to anything in your life. Never struggle again to overcome habits and behaviours that suck the energy out of your life!
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