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In this episode, we talk about manifesting. I am giving you an eye-opening message about manifesting that you might not have realized before and then I am giving you 3 really important tips and watch-outs that you should apply if you want to become better at manifesting and being the creator in your life. Let´s get started!
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Have you ever consciously manifested something in your life? Maybe you have used affirmations before to bring a change into your life? If the answer is yes, how did it go? Did it work? Maybe you have a few examples where it worked and a few where it did not work.
We will talk about the reasons why it might not have worked and what you can focus on going forward to improve your manifesting muscle.
If your answer was no, then I will share with you that you are actually manifesting all day long – you are just not aware of it.
If I asked you what manifestation is what would you say or what have you heard before?
I describe it this way: You are using your mind and your thoughts to bring a change into your life or to bring something new into your life. By thinking and wishing for it, you put the message out into the universe with the hope to bring it into your life, for it to become reality.
When people talk about manifestation they often mention the law of attraction. I heard about the law of attraction for the first time in the movie “The Secret” from Rhonda Byrne (check out the book to the movie HERE) and learned more about it in the movie and book “What the bleep do we know” (find the link to the book HERE). Both of the books are actually on my bookshelf in my office.
I have used manifestation activity on and off since I learned about it. I have a few good examples of where it worked really well and therefore like you, I would say it can work and it cannot work. That is my old way of thinking about it.
I have now learned that manifestation works all the time. All the time! We are just not aware that we are constantly manifesting. That is the first message I want to share with you: You are the creator of your life and you are constantly manifesting – the good and the bad in your life.
“All of it is created by you. By the power of your thoughts and your emotions.”
Most of the time when we talk about manifesting we think about bringing something desirable into our lives. We would probably never use the manifestation word when something un-nice happens to us. But we manifest it all into our lives – the good things that happen to us and the bad things that happen to us.
Everything we do produces or exists of energy. In our 3D world, if we are going for a walk, that takes energy. If we are on a Zoom call, our conversation uses up energy. If we want to buy a car, it takes energy: the process of purchasing and the money we spend. Just imagine how much energy you put into earning that money – that’s all energy too. Do you agree?
We keep spending energy and recovering and refuelling ourselves with energy through sleep and food intake. All of the physical processes going on in our body are energy spent but the same applies to our thoughts and our feelings. They are energy, too!
And they have a particular frequency. Every thought and every feeling has its own frequency. It’s like you’re dialling a phone number to call someone on the other side of the world. That is setting a particular frequency to make sure you call exactly the right person and not somebody random. The same is true for our thoughts and our feelings. Every thought you have and produce has a frequency – and that frequency carries a message.
The law of attraction says that like and like attracts itself. Let´s say you went to a job interview and without having had any feedback, you keep thinking you’ve done a bad job and that you will probably not get the role. If you are sending out this message with your thoughts and probably strong feelings of disappointment and sadness, then you are probably not getting the job. And you manifested it into your life.
In the end, you might even say: I knew it! When you get the call that they went for another candidate. You just don’t realize that you had a significant part in not getting the role and not just in the interview but in the time after the interview where you kept thinking about a negative outcome.
The correlations between having particular thoughts and feelings and for the exact thing to come through are often not instant or so clear, so we don’t believe in them. We believe that we had no say in the negative outcome or that we had no influence on it. Of course, we would never want to manifest something bad in our life. Why would we do that?
But we do and the quicker you get on board with it, the more you can create the life that you really want. I know it can sound quite harsh to say to someone that they manifested it when something bad happens. But do you not want to be the creator of your life?
Do you want to keep living your life in the belief that you have no control? Well, if that is what you believe then that’s what’s going to happen in your life. You lead a life where you have no control! And see: you created it!
That’s what happens quite often in these moments when a tragedy or accident happens – the person would argue that they have not created that car accident. True, they have not consciously set down and manifested a car accident into their life. But their inaction and belief that they have no control over their lives brought a car accident into their life.
“It´s like life bumped into you because you did not look where you were going!”
We can be the creators of our life and know it and use that knowledge. Or we are the creators of our life and we don’t accept it and keep thinking that everything bad in our lives has nothing to do with us, that we have no say in it and that we had no influence on it. Which way do you want to live? It’s your choice!
If you chose to be the creator of your life and use the power of your thoughts then let’s talk about 3 tips and watch-outs so you can improve your manifestation muscles.
First, if you use affirmations or visualization of what you want to create in your life, then make sure you use as well the emotion that comes with it. The formula for creating your dream life is to use the intention of the outcome that you create with your thoughts and the feelings that you will have when it comes true.
Next time you sit down and manifest something into your life, make sure to include emotions in the process. The clearer you can be in what you want to manifest, the better. For example, if you want to manifest more money, be clear about how much more money. Because 1 dollar is more money, that means you are actually manifesting more money into your life but you just don’t even realize it.
The last point on this one is to not keep changing your mind about what you want. If you change your mind each day you keep sending out mixed messages. It’s like you are driving somewhere and while you drive you keep changing the address in the navigation system. Either you never end up where you want to be or it takes you much longer. So be clear in what you want to manifest, stick with it until you really don’t want it anymore and incorporate feelings.
Feel the feelings you will have when your wish comes true – as if it already happened!
The second watch-out is about the effectiveness of your manifestation. For example, if you spend 30 minutes of your day manifesting but the rest of your waking hours you have thoughts that actually contradict your manifesting wish – then it’s just not going to work.
“How can 30 minutes of believing in an outcome hold up against 15 hours of not believing in it?”
I think it’s pretty clear and logical how this is just not going to work. If you want to manifest something be mindful of your thoughts, behaviours and actions throughout your day – are they counterproductive to what you want to achieve? If yes, change it. Think, act and behave throughout your day as if your wish has already come true. At a minimum, don’t sabotage your manifestation efforts with thoughts and feelings that go completely against it.
And the third tip is about what you exactly want to manifest. Manifestation works all the time, we said that already. If you manifest from a lack mentality then you are manifesting that lack and keeping it in your life.
Let me give you an example to explain this better. If you want to become wealthy and you are currently assessing yourself to be poor, don’t think about how you can move away from being poor. If you concentrate on getting away from your poor state, you are putting energy into this state of being poor. So always manifest and use your thoughts and feelings to the positive end state and not the lack that you are currently feeling or experiencing. The more you spend on thinking and feeling the lack of something in your life, the more you manifest this lack into your life – and the desired outcome will never have a chance to come into your life. Does this make sense?
Let’s say you want to manifest a Rolls Royce into your life. While you are consciously manifesting you think about having the Rolls Royce already, driving it, seeing it on your driveway, filling it up with shopping bags, and getting it cleaned. As if you are owning it already.
And alongside it, you bring up the feelings that go with this experience: feelings of joy, abundance, worth, and love for life. Feel these feelings as if it already happened. This is how you actively manifest. And when you are going about your day, don’t keep thinking about not having the car yet. Because then you are focusing again on the lack of a car in your life.
Like I said you are manifesting all day long even if you are not aware of it. If you spend hours and hours thinking of how you don’t have the car yet with the feelings of lack, sadness, and disappointment – what are you creating? Lack of having the car! Not the car! Correct!
I hope you enjoyed this lesson on manifesting your dream life. (Episode 21) Make sure you subscribe to my podcast for future episodes on bringing your dream life to you!
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Transform Your Energy, Transform Your Life is part of the Purposefully Meditating course. This meditation is designed for you to let go of unwanted emotions, thoughts and behaviours from your past, and transform them into high vibrating emotions and inspired actions of your future. You will start to manifest your future before it happens. Are you ready to let go of the past?
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