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Today is going to be a bit of a different episode. I am going to guide you through a short but impactful workshop that I presented last month in a live online event. And I thought, why not make it an episode for everyone?!?
It’s about changing your life by changing your frequency. But what does that actually mean and how can you do it? You will find out today.
Get yourself something to take notes on, either a journal, piece of paper or your computer. Whatever works best for you but the most powerful way would be to write with pen and paper. Let’s get started.
The title of the workshop and episode already says what we are talking about Frequency and energy.
Everything is energy and everything has its own frequency. Every object, every thing, every place has a frequency at which it vibrates, because it consists of 99.9999% energy. And that also applies to you. You vibrate in a mixture of different frequencies, which are made up of the frequencies of your thoughts, your beliefs, your perceptions, your attitudes, your memories and your feelings.
And the mixture of your frequencies creates the life you live. You don’t live the life you live by accident. You have created it based on your frequencies. Maybe you just didn’t realise it until today. If we want to create something new, we have to change our frequency. Otherwise, we just keep repeating the same situations, problems and people in our lives.
What I was taught while growing up is that when you don’t like something, then make some changes. Do something differently or go and change something that you don’t like in your life. But what nobody ever told me is that making changes on the outside is just not enough. And I bet it’s not something you learned at school or at home either, am I right? Now I know that we have to change from the inside out for our reality and our lives to change.
Now take your pen and paper and write down a change that you would like to have in your life. This could be something that you don’t have at the moment. It could be something you no longer want and want to release. Or you want something or someone to enter or leave your life. Decide on a specific change that we will then work on within this workshop.
Write down what the current situation is that you no longer want. And then how you would rather have it. Choose that change and write it down.
Great, well done. The current situation has a frequency that consists of many different things. We are now finding out the inner aspects for which we are personally responsible. These are the aspects that we can influence to change the frequency and therefore the situation.
Write down at least 3 things in the area of your belief that have created the current situation or continue to keep it alive. These can be beliefs, thoughts, perspectives, attitudes or perceptions. This area is therefore focussed on the mental area of you. Take any time you need to write down at least 3 thoughts or beliefs that support your current unchanged situation.
Now let’s do the same with the frequency of your behaviours. What behaviours, actions, reactions, habits or lifestyle choices have created or support the current situation? Write down up to 3 things in the area of your behaviour.
Take any time you need to write down at least 3 behaviours, reactions or habits that support your current unchanged situation. And be honest with yourself. They exist, even if you don’t want it to be true. This is your opportunity to go deep instead of staying on the surface level.
And the third and final thing we look at is the frequency of your feelings. What emotional states, emotional reactions and triggers of negative emotions and feelings have created the current situation or continue to keep it alive?
Write down up to 3 feelings, emotions or triggers that you associate with the current situation. Think about how you feel when you think or experience your current unchanged situation. Or what keeps triggering you to be reminded of this situation? Take your time.
Once you understand that you are the one who creates everything in your reality – and I mean everything – you can’t really turn your back on it. I mean, you can. But what use is it to you?
Knowing that your inner world creates your outer world is the holy grail if you want to change anything about your reality. But for this to work, you have to take full responsibility for your entire reality. It doesn’t just work for one specific area of your life. No, it’s universal. It applies to everything and everyone.
You can choose to keep believing that changes in your outer world will help you feel and be different. Maybe you rather want people in your life to change and for them to behave differently before you look inside yourself. Or you finally decide to wake up and realise that your reality is a projection of all these inner parts of you. Your outer world is a reflection of your inner world. And Nothing changes until you change.
This means that you literally have to become a different person when you create your new self. And you could say now: Of course, I will be a different person when the changes have occurred. But the trick is that you have to be that new person NOW, not in the future.
Let me explain: Everything is energy that has a frequency. And your frequency, which is made up of your thoughts, beliefs, perceptions, attitudes, behaviours and emotions, creates your reality. If you don’t change your frequency, you will never be able to experience a different reality.
A new life in which you experience the change will never appear out of nowhere and you will not experience it. Because you have not changed your frequency in the here and now. Only if you first change your frequency by changing some of your thoughts, beliefs, perceptions, behaviours and emotions will your reality change – because you have changed your frequency NOW.
I’ll describe it again with this frequency model. If you continue to live your life with the same thoughts, beliefs, perceptions, behaviours and emotions as before, you remain in the same frequency and are the same person. This of course creates the same reality that you then experience and you ask yourself: When will my reality ever change so that I can experience the changes that I want?
That’s not how it works. In order for you to create a new reality, you must first and foremost have new thoughts, beliefs, perceptions, behaviours and feelings. Without your reality, your outer world, having changed. Because only then will your frequency change. And when your frequency changes, your reality can change. And then you experience the new reality as the new you that you have already created.
This is life-changing knowledge that you should not simply ignore or brush over. If you internalise it deeply, it will change your reality. I promise you that.
So, let’s create the person who is already experiencing the changed situation that you wrote down earlier. We’ll start by changing the frequency of your thoughts:
What thoughts do you have as a person who is already living the changed situation?
What do you believe now that your change has happened?
What has changed in your perspective, attitude and worldview since your change happened?
Write down at least 3 thoughts, beliefs, attitudes or perspectives.
And now let’s change the frequency of your behaviour as that new person:
How do you behave as a person who is already living the change?
What are you doing now that your change has happened? What does your day look like?
What has changed in your reactions, habits and lifestyle choices since your change happened?
Write down up to 3 things that have changed in your behaviour.
And last but not least, we change the frequency of your emotions:
How do you feel as a person who is already living the change?
What emotions do you have now that your change has happened?
What has changed in your emotional state and emotional reactions since your change happened?
Write down at least 3 emotions and feelings that you have as the new person.
Well done! You created everything you need to change your frequency and allow your reality to change, too. Nothing will change unless you start living and experiencing these thoughts, behaviours and feelings NOW.
When you focus on catching your old habitual thoughts, stopping them and exchanging them with the new thoughts, you change your frequency.
If you catch yourself daily with the old habits and exchange them with new behaviours, then you start to change without your reality having changed yet.
And when you notice that you are being triggered and replaying old emotional reactions, and you stop them and overwrite them with the new feelings, you are writing a new programme in your subconscious mind, your operating system.
This is an exercise in overcoming your old self on a daily basis. And is it as easy as it sounds? No. If it were easy, then everyone would do it. But they don’t. But it’s worth it. The daily realisation of old thoughts, habits and feelings to gradually stop being the old you and gradually become the new you. Until you reach the tipping point.
For a long time, you think you’re doing it wrong because nothing is happening or nothing is changing in your environment. The worst thing you can do is give up. Anyone who has experienced it can tell you that for a long time, it feels like it will never happen, until one day it clicks – and then everything is different.
So practise changing your frequency by changing a thought, a behaviour and an emotion whenever you become aware. And your reality will change automatically.
And if you like to be guided in this support, then join Energy Academy. You learn everything you need to know about this process of change, so you know exactly what to do. And if something is unclear, you can ask me any of your questions in our monthly live Q&A calls.
I would love to be your guiding support towards your new life! Choose yourself! Love yourself enough to do this!
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Feel fully ENERGIZED at the end of your day without working harder and longer. Make the right changes to raise your energy levels to new heights.
Learn the process of change and apply it to anything in your life. Never struggle again to overcome habits and behaviours that suck the energy out of your life!
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